Thursday, April 02, 2009


Damn! I read the posts made by friends...shouldn't have done that. Funny how when I am not trying to do this I can think of a million topics to write about but somehow I am feeling pressured in this moment to write something that just in case someone reads will affect them. Talk about having an ego!!!! I have found that to be true in so many things with myself. My ego gets in the way. This writing is not so that I can touch others, but so that I can stay in touch with my source and my God. My destiny, and my peacefulness. It is not meant to be inspiring toothers, but only to serve as my outlet for the power I have in my life.

I could not turn off my brain today as I was driving alone. I could not focus any of my energy on anything other than the pure joy I felt in my own serenity. Serenity seems like the wrong word but if I am defining it correctly in my mind it is basically a calm, peace, free of turmoil state. It was indeed serenity although at times it felt frantic and amazing, and awesome! I always came back to the work serenity. Free of turmoil. I am moving toward a goal of full-time clarity and not just the glimpses I have seen and felt in the last few months. I want to be able to harness all that I have going on right now and keep it steady and flowing throughout the hours of my day.

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